
         In this project, I leart how to build a panorama image. Firstly, of course, I need to have a set of images that have some overlapping. The I compare the differences between images and find out the most possible areas that two images covered with each other. I stick those pictures based on the overlapping areas. At last, I need to do image blending to make the whole panaroma look smooth.

Here are the thing we need to do:

  • Taking the photos.
  • detect discriminating features in the images(SIFT feature extrac-tion).
  • Feature matching. (When do the matching, the pose of camera should also be taken into our consideration. Here we use RansacHomography to do the matching. Under homography, we can write the transformation of 3D points from camera1 to camera2)
  • Image Blending.

reference data :
   Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features" by Matthew Brown and David G. Lowe
   Image Alignment and Stitching:A Tutorial1" by Richard Szeliski

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